Christmas Story

Christmas is a festival that is celebrated by most people in the world with full fervor.Today this festival is celebrated with the same enthusiasm not only abroad but also in India. Also, the Christmas festival has completely merged with the diverse culture of India.
For centuries, this festival has brought happiness to the people and has been an example of love and harmony. This festival is also a reflection of our social environment, Which has strengthened the brotherhood between different classes. Christmas means human liberation and equality. According to the Bible, God, through his devotee Isaiah, foretold 800 BC that a prince would be born in this world and would be named Emmanuel. Emanuel means 'God with us'. Isaiah's prophecy came true and this is how Jesus Christ was born.
The first news of the birth of the child Jesus was received by the poorest people of this world. They were hard-working shepherds. When they got this news on a cold winter night, they were guarding their sheep sleeping unaware of the dangers of the open sky. A star shone and a group of angels informed the shepherds that a child was born among you, who would be your king. While the poor of the whole world were happy to hear this news, King Herod, who oppressed the poor, got angry. In his kingdom Issued the order to slaughter all the children till the age of 2, so that his power would not be threatened by any such king in future. The evil-doers are similarly sad and angry at seeing goodness. This is the symbol of evil. Jesus Christ came to end this evil.
Jesus did not choose the home of a rich person to be born as a human. He was born on the grass in a poor man's house. In fact, he came to save the poor, the innocent and the exploited and the oppressed. That is why from birth he chose his place among such people. It was a big message.
At the age of 30, Jesus raised his voice against social disorder. He preached to the people to help the oppressed and helpless, to live lovingly, not to covet, to be dutiful to God and the state, to fulfill the need of the needy, not to collect more money than necessary. Today the message given by Jesus Christ is very relevant.
Jesus taught the equality lesson to the society. He repeatedly said that he is the son of God and even though there are many evils in this world like cruelty, injustice and non-equality, all are equal in the house of God. He insisted on creating a society where cruelty and injustice is not in place and all should live with love and equality. One such story comes in the Bible, which is about a woman from a Samaritan sect.
When Jesus asked her for water to drink, the woman said, "Why do you become a Jew and ask for water from a Samaritan woman?“ .But HE drank water from his hand. Jesus gave the message of hope and life to the downtrodden, oppressed and helpless people. He devoted his entire life to human welfare. This was the reason that he was also given the death penalty on the cross. But when have those who work in the interest of others become afraid of capital punishment.
Christmas festival is special for many things like Christmas tree, star, gifts etc. And of course, many believe that Santa Claus gives gifts to children on Christmas day. The practice of remembering Santa Claus began in the 4th century and was Saint Nicholas, the bishop of the city of Meera, Turkistan.
Santa Claus, wearing a red and white dress, is an old fat mythological character who swarms on the reindeer and plays an important role in the Samarahas, especially for children.
Christmas is a festival of hopes and joys. The life of Jesus Christ and his teachings are relevant even today, because rich-poverty, casteism and social anomalies still exist in society. When we look around us and understand the pain and suffering of poor and helpless people and bring a little smile on their face like Jesus Christ, we will get the real joy of Christmas.
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