Over the years, technology has changed our world and our daily lives. Technology today has created amazing tools and resources that provide us with useful information. Discoveries and inventions have paved the way for technological revolutions which have made life better and easier the world has moved from gas guzzlers to electric vehicles even to self-driving cars one of the products of advanced technologies drones which have been popularly used as entertainment and delivery machines has now gone above that the latest upgrade with drones is self-flying passenger drones the world's first passenger drone which is capable of carrying a person into the air while itself drives  has been unveiled in china let's take a look into the futuristic world where self-driving passenger drones become a part of the daily commuting most of the amazing facts about the passenger drone. 

You don't want to miss are kept at the end of the flying vehicles zooming through the sky and in between skyscrapers seemingly unhindered by gravity  has been exclusive to the realm of science fiction for a long time but flying cars might be dragging themselves out of the sci-fi or fantasy home into the real world this means that the dream of flying over traffic is now closer to reality the world's first passenger drone the Ehang 184 made by a Chinese tech company Eheng intelligent technology made its debut in the southern city of Guangzhou china the electrically powered vehicle.

The First Working Passenger Drone! | Latest Info In The World

The Ehang 184 is operated by an automated flight system  so passengers don't have to bother with driving all passengers need to do is get into the small cabin and fasten their seat belts and the automated flight system takes over from there in a company video showing the Ehang 184 flying it looks like a small helicopter but with four propellers spinning parallel to the ground in a similar configuration to other drones Hu Huazhi, the co-founder of the Chinese tech company  said that all the traditional flying vehicles cannot achieve the goal of fully autonomous flying so it's still far away from being used in daily commuting but debuting the passenger drone and flying it means the scenes that we only see in science fiction movies  such as blade runner are now very close to common people Derrick Xiong the co-founder of Ehang also made it known that the drone can help people to avoid traffic on the ground but also in other applications.

It can be used in the case of emergency rescue or to transport patients to the hospital or for tourist activities which means that the drone can fly from one island to the other the drone maker e hang claimed that the vehicle runs on electric batteries and it can carry a single passenger weighing up to 100 kilograms at a time for a 23 minute flight using its eight propellers on four arms according to the company the drone cabin fits one person together with a small backpack and it's fitted with air conditioning and a reading light also designed to fit with propellers folded in a single parking spot after setting a flight plan passengers need only to give two commands which are take off and land  both of which are done with a single click on a tablet in the drone.

The First Working Passenger Drone! | Latest Info In The World

The single passenger drone is designed to cruise at an altitude of 500 meters off the ground  with a maximum altitude of 3.5 kilometers the drone can also fly at a maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour covering up to 64 kilometers on a single charge the drone can be fully charged in two hours it's also made known that the passengers can get the drone to stop and hover in place if needed and the company believes that they could get flying permits in 80 percent of the countries and regions around the world the company claimed that the drone has been tested more than a hundred times at low altitudes in a forested area in Guangzhou including several times with a person on board.

It's also claimed that the drone is designed to withstand moderate gale winds of up to 50 kilometers per hour but the biggest concern remains safety huwasi said that the company has special fail-safe systems that take over in the event of malfunction the passenger drone has no passenger override function which means that anyone can travel in the drone without a pilot's license however, this also means that the user won't be able to take control in an emergency in light of this, the company said that it's planning a remote control center that would take over the vehicle in the event of a problem and ensure it landed safely.

The company also claimed that one feature that made the passenger drone safer than a helicopter were its numerous propellers it said that even if three of the four arms had their six propellers disabled  the final arm's working propellers would ensure a rough landing by spiraling towards the ground the Chinese tech company also incorporates the Ehang in Failsafe system which means that in the event of a malfunction  the drone will immediately land in the nearest available area several regulations and guidelines have been laid out for regular drone use and a human passenger drone will certainly face strict scrutiny due to this the Chinese firm Ehang has partnered with the Nevada Institute for autonomous systems  NIAS and the governor's office of economic development  to put the drone through testing and regulatory approval Tom Wilczek.

The First Working Passenger Drone! | Latest Info In The World

The governor's office of economic development aerospace and defense specialists  said that the state of Nevada through NIAS will help guide Ehang through the federal aviation authority faa regulatory processes with the ultimate goal of achieving safe flight Hu Huazhi said the move would lay the foundation for Ehang's 184's commercialization and kickstart the autonomous aerial transportation industry the company hopes to begin the testing of Ehang 184s very soon  and will have to prove airworthiness to the FAA with guidance from NIAS before being able to operate in a wider capacity for some years now Nevada has been positioning itself as a testbed for advanced transport solutions being one of the first states in the u.s to permit the testing of autonomous vehicles on public roads.

The company has recently shared the development of Ehang's 184 it said that the Ehang 184 might be the multi-rotor aircraft with the world's largest propeller and to avoid the problem of control divergence in its autonomous flight they you need to do several algorithm optimization for the flight control system to ensure that large multi-rotor planes can fly in the air stably so that they get a better cycling experience for the area-based passengers Guangzhou of southern china already. making camera drones and hobbyist but its passenger drone may be the first of its kind capable of transporting a person by air, in the same way a google self-driving car on the same road can hourit achieves a safe flight.

Shang Hsiao, Ehang's chief financial officer said the world has never had something like the company's autonomous single-passenger drone and that company hopes to sell the device for two hundred thousand to three hundred thousand dollars the company which also makes smaller drones said that has raised 42 million dollars in capital from various investors including GP capital GGV capital ZhenFund, and others after raising 10 million dollars in the process of manufacturing the drone Dubai is the first country to acquire the world's first single passenger drone the arrival of the Ehang 184 in Dubai was announced by the head of Dubai's road and transportation agency Mattar al-Tayer.

The First Working Passenger Drone! | Latest Info In The World

 at the world government summit the use of the passenger drone in Dubai will be the first time the electric vehicle has been in regular use anywhere in the world al tires said the agency planned to put the Ehang 184 into operation in Dubai  and it already had its flying debut over the country's Burj al-Arab skyscraper hotel Dubai also announced a plan to cooperate with e hank to develop self-flying taxis that can take people across the city the Chinese tech company also had envisioned other possible future uses for the unmanned aerial vehicle drones which include helping police patrol and building bridges and other architectural structures.

It could be really amazing to see the passenger drones perform other functions apart from helping people avoid traffic on land with Dubai being the first country to acquire this self-flying single-passenger drone it means that it's a matter of time before we see the passenger drone flying around the world from one city to another what do you think about the world's first passenger drone? what do you think about the future of electric vehicles in the years to come.

The First Working Passenger Drone! | Latest Info In The World