Is Turkey the first country to use a leaser weapons to shoot down enemy drones? For the first time a weaponized laser fired from a fighting vehicle destroyed an enemy vehicle in war and Turkish technology is responsible for one of the most notable recent advances in military technology. Turkey is not properly recognized as a country-innovator in military affairs, however, it seems that they will be able to surprise the world's society in this century.

 Earlier an armed UAE drone known as the Wing Loong II built in China, was conducting reconnaissance over the Misurata region for Haftar searching for targets for its anti-tank missile. It suddenly fell and crashed into the desert and the images quickly spread across the world. The Turkish laser that shot down the UAV in mid-flight is mounted on an off-road armored vehicle and has an opto-electronic guidance system manufactured in Turkey. 

“The technology allows you to precisely inspect the target for targeting pick a prone point and then keep the laser marker on this point until the target is totally destroyed. This is no longer an experimental technology but a fully operating fighting vehicle armed with a laser gun that has been tested in battle against sophisticated military technology rather than a commercial drone purchased one Bay. Such a weapon has the potential to bring down an unarmored helicopter and drones And Turkey is capable of producing such weapons in large quantities with no difficulty. 

Turkey has long pursued regional military dominance and has made significant investments in cutting-edge weapon systems. Working with the Turkish state research institute Tubitak the Turkish company Savtag developed experimental lasers ranging in power from1.25 kW to 50 kW and they were successfully hitting targets. Aselsan, the Turkey's top defense contractor quickly took over the laser weapons programme, and revealed in July 2018 that it had successfully tested a combat laser' capable of destroying unmanned drones and explosive devices from 500 meters away.

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 These brand new guns will be used by conscripts and the price of firing the laser gun is equal to the cost of diesel fuel used during the shooting. This historic announcement is unlikely to have a significant effect until Turkey employs the weapon on a larger scale, But that doesn't mean it's irrelevant. This is all the more remarkable knowing that both Russia and the United States have superior laser technology to the Turks, and both have laser weaponry in place. 

However, ground-based fighting vehicles equipped with tactical-level lasers are not being developed or deployed in Russia, or the United States. This is achieved by the Turks who have already won a prize in the future laser arms race.